The Nollywood actor and film maker Mofe Duncan, who got engaged to his lover, Jessica Kakkad, a couple of weeks ago, is counting down to his wedding date.
Mofe and his wife-to-be took to their Instagram pages this morning to announce their forthcoming wedding.
While Mofe shared ‘#Coming Soon #August2015’on his page, Jessica betrayed her anxiety sharing a popular biblical quotation about marriage, ‘We are nearly there…He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtaineth Favor from the Lord..#PoseToBe #ComingSoon #August2015 #MrandMrs#BeABoss #DateABoss #BuildAnEmpire #Anticipate #WaitForIt’
Though the specific date is yet to be announced, the month of August is certain for the couple’s joining together.
Mofe, who is fond of women, having five sisters and a brother is a celebrated Nollywood actor who has featured in many blockbuster movies including ‘Taste of Love’ and ‘Lies Men Tell’ among others. His lover is training to be a pharmacist.
Mofe’s wedding is coming up a few months after John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, got married to his long time lover and mother of his two beautiful children, Stella Marris, in May.
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